Saturday, 4 April 2015
Mallee Emu-Wren: Photo Essay.
Mallee Emu-Wren, a Victorian endemic.
This species is confined to the state of Victoria & is getting increasingly rare, mainly due to threats to its habitat. It is confined to mallee woodland with an understory of spinifex grass. The main threats include:
a) loss of habitat to agriculture & other human inspired land use changes.
b) changes in climate affecting vegetation
c) frequency of burning.
The Australian government have now put a biodiversity action plan in place, to save this species.
This species is incredibly hard to see, so we were lucky that it fell into our notebooks so easily.
Superb Lyrebird: Photo Essay.
The incomparable male Superb Lyrebird.
Simon took me to an area where Superb Lyrebirds can be found right on the edge of Melbourne. It was a lovely sunny morning & bingo - the bird was there & it was displaying! The variety of sounds was truly amazing & it went on & on! It gave fantastic views for several minutes & was only disturbed by passing joggers.
The Superb Lyrebird is patchily found in south & south-eastern Australia. It requires mature forest which even in a country the size of Australia is declining quite rapidly. It also needs quite large areas, as both males & females hold separate territories, with females visiting several males before finally mating.
Getting ready for action!
The preamble.
Here we go!
Victoria State Part 3: Mallee; Wyperfield National Park & the coast.
The Malleefowl mound, but no bird!
White-eared Honeyeater
Spotted Pardalote
White-browed Treecreeper
It was getting late when we pitched up at Muckleford & found a clearing in the forest to camp.
Simon heard a Powerful Owl & after a little persuading, a pair flew in, one being quite co-operative.
Simon, Debbie & Bill.
Simon who is the gay boy on the left?
The main reason for coming here was to meet Debbie, who has been keeping tabs on the rare Swift Parrot for many years now. She proved to be delightful company but despite her best efforts, we failed to find the parrots!
Black-fronted Dotterel
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Male Red-rumped Parrot
Female Red-rumped Parrot
Crested Pigeon
Peaceful Dove
New Holland Honeyeater
Red-browed Finch
In the afternoon Simon knew a daytime roost for Powerful Owl. It proved to be a reliable site and we enjoyed excellent daytime views of this very impressive species.
Powerful Owl
The next day we had quite a long drive to the Brisbane Ranges National Park & then onto the Lakelands Reserve at Lara. Lara is situated on the outskirts of Melbourne & is a great location for Cape Barren Goose.
Cape Barren Goose
Australian Little Grebe
Royal Spoonbill
Purple Swamphen
White-headed Stilt
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Point Addis.
Me on The Great Ocean Road.
A magnificent coastline.
Parked in the car park, on The Great Ocean Road!
We were up early on the 4th April & drove to Airey's Inlet before the tourists beat us to the site!
Our tactics paid off & we saw several Rufous Bristlebirds.
Rufous Bristlebird
Little Wattlebird
Little Pied Cormorant
Chestnut Teal
Red necked Stints
There is a Pectoral Sandpiper in there somewhere!
White-headed Stilt
Most of these birds are Banded Stilts.
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Black Swan
Pin-eared Duck
Australian Spotted Crake
White-winged Black Tern
Striated Fieldwren
Golden-headed Cisticola
Freckled Duck
There were six freckled Ducks on this small pond
at Eyesbury.
The endangered & incredibly rare Swift Parrot.