Arrived at the Hotel Yipe in the Italia National Park at 5pm on the 18th June. It was raining & getting dark, so nothing much to do until the morrow.
The next morning we were up very early & driving to the higher part of the park along the Agulhas Negras Road. The weather was less than ideal, with persistent drizzle, mixed with heavier rain.
Superb highland forest.
Female Brazilian Ruby.
Male Brazilian Ruby.
Violet-capped Woodnymph.
Red-breasted Toucan.
An amazing adult White-rumped Hawk flashed through the forest canopy! What a start! Plovercrest; White-throated Hummingbird; Brazilian Ruby; Red-breasted Toucan; Rufous-backed Antvireo; Variable Antshrike; Rufous-tailed Antbird; Rufous-tailed Ant-thrush; Olivaceous Woodcreeper; Scaled Woodcreeper; Ochre-breasted Foilage Gleaner; Sharp-billed trrehunter; Araucaria Tit-Spinetail; Italia Spinetail; Chestnut-crowned Becard; three species of Black Tyrant; Rufous crowned Greenlet; Bay-chested & Buff-throated Warbling Finches.
Spent the morning of the 20th June photographing birds from the balcony of the Hotel Yipe. It was simply superb, with birds everywhere!
Spent the morning of the 20th June photographing birds from the balcony of the Hotel Yipe. It was simply superb, with birds everywhere!
The balcony of the Hotel Yipe.
The view from the hotel.
Dusky-legged Guan
Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail.
Male Brazilian Ruby.
Immature male Brazilian Ruby.
Female Brazilian Ruby.
Violet-capped Woodnymph.
Red-breasted Toucan.
Saffron Toucanet.
It doesn't get much better than this!
Magpie Tanager.
Male Black Goggled Tanager.
Azure-shouldered Tanager.
Green-headed Tanager.
Buff-burnished Tanager.
Female Ruby-crowned Tanager.
Chestnut-bellied Euphonia.
Male Blue Dacnis.
Red-rumped Cacique.
Birded below the hotel along the main access road in the afternoon. Yet again it was excellent birding!
Blue-winged Macaw
This pair were courting!
Maroon bellied Parakeet.
Olivaceous Woodcreeper.
White-throated Hummingbird.
Violet-capped Woodnymph.
Velvety Black Tyrant.
Great Kisadee.
Pale-breasted Thrush.
Yellow-eyed Tody-Flycatcher.
Black-tailed Flycatcher.
Golden-cheveroned Tanager.
Palm Tanager.
Green-headed Tanager.
Buff-burnished Tanager.
Male Blue Dacnis.
Female Blue Dacnis.
Uniform Finch.
Buff-breasted Seedeater.
Male Saffron Finch.
Female Saffron Finch.
Brown Capuchin Monkey.
Notice that the quality of the photo improves
when it stops raining!
The early morning of the 21st June was spent birding the Tres Pecos Trail, which was hard going in parts but great birding.
Puma footprint: obviously present in good numbers
in S.E. Brazil.
We visited the same place in 2018. Your nice pictures bring back good memories.