Monday 5 November 2018

Photo Essay: Black backed Jackal

Black backed Jackal (Canus m. enyclopedia)

Black backed Jackal is an ancient species & the most wolf like of all the jackal species. It has two population areas: one in east Africa (Canis mesomelas schmidti) & the other in southern Africa (Canus mesomelas encyclopedia).

 Within southern Africa, it is widespread in South Africa; Botswana; Namibia; southern Mozambique &  Zimbabwe. However, it is at its most common in large game reserves & national parks where large predators are still present. 

It is monogamous & mates for life. 
Pairs often hunt together to gain an advantage. 

This individual has been rooting around in the mud.

This animal is unusual as it lacks many of the 
characteristic markings of this species.

They are territorial & regularly mark prominent 
features within their territories.

Although found in a wide range of habitats, 
they have to have water present 
as they drink regularly.

It is a scavenger & killer of small animals & birds, but will also eat human refuse & waste & vegetables & fruits in season. It is this adaptability which has been the key to this species success within its range. In farming areas it will take baby livestock & this has led to it been persecuted by farmers throughout its range.

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